
Steven R. Spurgeon, Ph.D.

Homepage of Steven R. Spurgeon, Ph.D., an internationally recognized materials data scientist specializing in AI-driven discovery and design of functional materials for quantum computing, microelectronics, and renewable energy.



Welcome to the research website of Dr. Steven R. Spurgeon! I am a materials data scientist specializing in artificial intelligence (AI)-driven discovery and design of functional materials. I have led research at national laboratories, resulting in numerous publications, software packages, and licensed technologies. My expertise spans a wide range of applications, from quantum computing and microelectronics to energy and national security.

My current research focuses on developing autonomous experimentation to understand the synthesis, degradation, and lifecycle of nanomaterials for electronics, sensing, and computing applications. Throughout my career, I have received awards including the R&D 100 and early career prizes / fellowships from the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, the National Science Foundation, and the Microscopy Society of America.

Explore my website to learn more about my research, publications, and collaborations. If you are a scientist, student, or potential collaborator interested in the transformative power of AI in materials science, I invite you to connect with me. Let's work together to shape the future of materials innovation!

Research Areas

  • AI-driven materials discovery and design

  • Autonomous electron microscopy

  • High-resolution imaging and spectroscopy

  • Microelectronics

  • Advanced manufacturing

  • Energy technologies

Photo by Greg Cooper / NREL

Latest News

Research Interests

Materials Synthesis Pathways

Control over synthesis pathways is crucial for the development of next-generation devices for electronics, energy, and quantum computing. Minor perturbations at small length and time scales are often difficult to predict, necessitating the use of new methods to characterize and model these pathways.

Functional Materials in Extremes

The behavior of functional materials in extreme environments is poorly understood, impeding performance and reliability. Development of functional materials with tailored properties requires us to examine transient defect formation mechanisms.

Harnessing Emergent Interface Properties

Interfaces mediate a spectrum of important functionalities whose optimization depends on precise control of structure and chemistry. We are developing autonomous control of interfaces for advanced manufacturing.

Advancing Autonomous Science

Emerging data-driven and artificial intelligence approaches promise to revolutionize the design and characterization of materials. We are exploring sparse data analytics and automation approaches that will allow us to more richly probe materials and chemical processes.